Does Religion Cause War?

As I am writing this the conflict in Israel continues with little hope that the end is coming soon.  The loss of life is tragic and the resulting rhetoric surrounding this conflict has reached a fevered pitch.  The historical, political, social, and spiritual issues that surround Israel-Palestine are complex and far beyond my ability to intelligently speak on.

What I can speak to is the statement that I have seen in social media over and over again – “The vast majority of wars are caused by religion.”  The implication of this statement is that if religion didn’t exist, then war wouldn’t exist either.  So, is this statement true?

To be sure, there have been conflicts and wars that have involved religion.  Many folks will immediately point to the Crusades as their primary proof that religions cause war.  Others will point to the various wars in the Old Testament and some (although this is a smaller group) will point to the Muslim teaching of a jihad or Holy War as the reason for all the conflicts in the Middle East in recent history.

So yes, wars with religious overtones have been fought in history.  People have certainly used religion as a cover or a pretense for war.  However, even secular scholars of wars will say that the idea that religions cause all wars is patently false.  Two such scholars published a work called the “Encyclopedia of Wars,” which sounds like a really fun read (sarcasm).  In it they determined that only about 7% of all the wars in history had religion as the primary source of conflict.  Now, that is not 0%, but it is far, far from the “vast majority.”

So, if religion isn’t the cause of most wars, what is?  Well, some folks suggest that the culprit is ideology.  Ideology is a person’s or a culture’s set of ideas, ideals, opinions, and values.  Capitalism, communism, socialism, and Marxism are all examples of ideologies.  Both world wars, the many communist revolutions of the 20th centuries, and countless other conflicts have been marked by ideology and the desire to impose an ideology on others.

But what I would suggest to you (and the whole reason for me writing this in the first place), is that ideology is just like religion in that it is used as a cover or a pretense for conflict.  Neither are the true source of war.  That’s because the root source of all war, and indeed all evil, is sin.  War and conflict are the results of men and women giving themselves over to their wicked hearts, which deceive them into thinking that conflict will get them whatever it is that they think they want.

Don’t take my word for it.  Consider these verses:

The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.

Genesis 6:5

What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

James 4:1-3

For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

Matthew 15:19

I am praying that these conflicts that we are seeing in Israel and Ukraine end soon, and I hope that you are too.  But most of all, we need to pray that the men and women who are in positions of political power in this world would come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.  That they would have hearts that have been changed and are full of the Holy Spirit.  That they do not seek the things of this world but seek after God.

One day, the Bible promises us, Jesus is going to return, and after the last, final and great battle there will be no more war.  Let’s pray for our leaders on this side of eternity even as we anxiously anticipate the peace that is to come on the other side.

Here’s what’s happening:

  1. Thank you to everyone who helped with the Harvest Party.  A great time was had by all!
  2. Senior High Youth meets THIS Sunday, November 12th after the worship service.
  3. The annual Thanksgiving Fellowship meal is on November 19th after the worship service.  Please see the meal signup sheet in the lobby to see what you can contribute to the feast.
  4. It’s Operation Christmas Child shoebox time!  Shoeboxes and brochures are available in the lobby.  Please return shoeboxes by 11/19, and please remember to pray for the child who will receive your box. If you prefer to donate through the offering, you can earmark your donation for Operation Christmas Child.
  5. Please consider filling out an elder nomination form on Sunday.  Nominations can be given to me or placed in my mailbox.
  6. Advent begins on Sunday, December 3rd.  I am once again looking for some folks who would be willing to provide special music during the morning worship services.
  7. Looking for an opportunity to share your story?  Consider offering a testimony during a morning worship service.  Reach out to me and we’ll talk!
  8. Men’s Breakfast is on 11/25 at the Hometown Kitchen at 8 am.
  9. The “Thanksgiving Tree” is in the lobby.  Grab a leaf and write the name of someone at the Bridge that you are thankful for!


Last Sunday we saw how the people of Jerusalem had owned their sin and repented of it. They knew, however, that the revival wouldn’t last if they didn’t also recommit themselves to the Lord. This Sunday we’ll be looking at Nehemiah 10, where the people make very specific commitments regarding worship.  We’ll look at what the Bible has to say about making & keeping our commitments and learn about the commitment that God most wants us to keep!