Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

All of us have our own morning routine.  Each routine may be different, but they all have the same things in common: a shower, some breakfast, and getting dressed for the day.  And then, at some point, we all take a look in the mirror.  Some of us are like Arthur Fonzarelli from the TV show “Happy Days” and look at our reflection and go “Hey!!!”  But most of us are probably like me and look and go “ugh.”

But we all, at least once a day (and probably more), stand in front of a mirror and review the way we look.  If an adjustment is necessary, and it usually is, then we comb our hair or straighten our clothes because the mirror has helped reveal things about how we really look.

Of course, some mirrors don’t give a reliable image!  Think of those Fun House mirrors that we run across at a circus or amusement park.  Some of those mirrors make us look tall and thin (I love those) and other mirrors make us look short and stocky (not a fan of them).  They don’t give us an accurate reflection of what we look like.

James 1:23-24 says this “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror, and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.”  What is he talking about here?

The overall context of the passage involves James’ instructions regarding how believers should respond to the trials of life.  The first response (verse 21) should be to get rid of all of the moral filth of this world and to not return to the habits that you had before becoming saved.

The second response should be turning to the Word of God and not just reading it but doing it (verse 22).  Doing the Word of God means persevering in His will when we experience temptation to depart from it.  God’s blessings do not come from merely reading God’s Word, but from doing it!  Far too many Christians will read the Word of God, but then live as they immediately forgot what it says.

So, to illustrate this point James uses the idea of someone looking in a mirror and then immediately forgetting what they look like.  Now a mirror back in those days was typically a highly polished piece of metal.  It wasn’t a perfect reflection, but it was close.

Are we ever shocked when we look in the mirror?  Do we forget what we look like?  NO!  Something would be seriously wrong if that happened.  So, when we hear or read the Word of God and don’t apply it to our life, something is seriously wrong!

James is saying that the Christian life is marked by looking into the mirror that is God’s Word, having the reflection point out the areas of our lives that need fixed, or cleaned, or adjusted, and then doing those things!  When we persevere through trials, and during trials remember to act in a manner that is in obedience to God, we will be blessed or receive God’s favor for it.

Now we are blessed in two ways…don’t miss this. First of all, it is a blessing just to know what we should do.  Think about it, how frustrating is life when we find ourselves in situations where we don’t know what we should be doing?  But when we commit ourselves to studying and applying the Word of God to our lives, we will always know what we should be doing.

Secondly, God will bless us for our obedience…in fact we will feel His blessing while we are doing it!   Now that should just make sense, right?  When we act as God would have us act, life just goes better no matter the trial.  Friends, perhaps you are going through a trial or even just a season in life right now and you are looking in the wrong mirror.  You aren’t getting an accurate reflection!  You are looking in the world’s mirror and thinking “I don’t look so bad.”  OR you are looking in the world’s mirror and thinking “I could never be good enough.”  If that is where you are at today, I want to talk to you about Jesus, and how much He loves you.

Either way, this distorted view is likely causing tremendous pain and heartache.  I would encourage you to seek out God’s Word and get an accurate and true reflection of where you are at.

Perhaps, however, you are going through a trial or even just a season in life right now and you are looking in the right mirror but are forgetting what you look like.  You come to church on Sunday and you read the Bible and know what it is you should be doing, but for whatever reason you just keep on living as if God’s Word doesn’t apply or doesn’t exist.  As believers in Jesus Christ, we (and I’m including myself in this) have got to start living out our faith the other 6 days of the week.  We must be doers of the Word, not just hearers.

Here’s what’s happening:

  1.  I once again wish to extend my thanks to everyone who helped with VBS last week!
  2. This Sunday – the Junior Youth have their monthly gathering after the worship service.
  3. We are having a time of coffee and fellowship starting at 9:30 am each Sunday in July and August.  We are in need of someone to take the Labor Day Sunday slot.
  4. On Sunday the New Holland Band will be giving a concert at Rawlinsville Camp Meeting, starting at 3 pm.  Rawlinsville continues through next Sunday.  My family will be there each evening (with the possible exception of this Saturday).  You are welcome to join us (Cabin #13).
  5. Save-The-Date – The church Corn Roast will be on Sunday 9/10 at the Kreider’s home after the worship service.

This Sunday we will be looking at the spiritual discipline of Sabbath-rest.  When many people think of the Sabbath only one thing comes to mind – no working on Sundays.  We’ll be studying Hebrews 4 and seeing why Sabbath-rest is much more than that, why it’s important, and how we can pursue it.


Looking forward to Sunday,

