Praises of 2022

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13 (ESV)

As I sit down to write this email I am once again thinking to myself “Now how, exactly, did I get here?”  It was certainly a whirlwind 2022!  Thanks to everyone for being so welcoming to my family as we’ve started our journey at the Bridge.

Starting a new position anywhere is always a challenge as you strive to connect with all the new faces around you and learn how things are done.  It is common that this “training” period consists of a slow, gradual acclimation to all the responsibilities that come with the position.  This was NOT my experience here!  Some highlights of the year:

Local and Global Outreach – 2022 saw God giving our church many different opportunities to make a tangible impact in the lives of people.  We were able to hear a report from Charles Smoker on his ministry in Japan back in August.  In addition to supporting our ABCF missionaries, we had a record-breaking year for Operation Christmas Child (thanks in no small part to our VBS and Junior Youth ministries).  We also continued to support local ministries and had a tremendous year-end giving project for Solanco Neighborhood Ministries.

Facility Improvements – We’ve made some pretty significant investments into our church property this year.  In addition to routine maintenance, we’ve upgraded our worship tech, improved the outdoor lighting, and completely redid the interior of the schoolhouse.  Thanks to everyone who has worked hard on these projects.  Several other projects, including a new shed and a new outdoor sign, are already in the works.

Church Finances – I continually read and hear about churches that are struggling with attendance and finances post-Covid.  Thankfully, that is not the situation here at Andrews Bridge.  God, through the generous people of ABCF, has led us to a very strong financial position as we closed out 2022.  Please join the elders in prayer as we discern God’s will and vision for our church and seek to be good stewards of the gifts that He has given us.

Worship – We had about 86 people each Sunday during the second half of the year, with many weeks where the sanctuary was quite full.  Our times of worship continue to be joyful, loud, and meaningful!  Thanks to Bruce and the worship team for leading us each week.

It also is a true honor to stand before the church family and open God’s Word to them.  This year we looked at the Lord’s Prayer, the letters of John, the Exodus, and Joseph’s Christmas story.  I’m looking forward to the sermon series that we have coming up in 2023.  As you can probably tell, I get a little excited up there!

“Behind the Scenes” – The elder team has been working on a number of projects to help bring some structure and organization to our ministries.  We’ve been working on relaunching the commission and committees of the church and have been discussing ideas for future ministries here at the church.

Looking forward, 2023 is full of promise and opportunity.  Please join in praying for our church and for God to clearly reveal the path that He wants to travel in 2023 and beyond.  Thanks to each of you for giving your time, talents, and treasure to this special place.

Here’s what’s happening:

  • Sunday School classes for all ages return this Sunday.
  • Next Sunday 1/15/23 I will be using the Sunday School hour to give something of a “State of the Church” address.  I’ll be discussing some of the strengths and realities of our church and offering some goals for 2023.  I would really, really, really encourage you to attend, even if the 9 o’clock hour isn’t a normal part of your Sunday morning.  There will be a Sunday School class for the younger children that morning.
  • Also on 1/15, there will be a brief congregational meeting after the worship service for the purpose of holding a vote of affirmation for the 2023 budget.  If you have a question regarding the budget please see an elder this Sunday.
  • Senior High Youth next meet on Sunday, January 22nd right after the worship service (please note the time change) for lunch and the normal youth group time.
  • We will be having a fellowship meal after the service on Sunday, January 29.  More information to follow.
  • Save the Date – We will be having a “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” event on 3/19.

This Sunday Devon Clemmer, our pastoral intern, will be bringing the morning message!  Devon will be sharing from Matthew 20:20-28.