25th Anniversary Banquet

Although Christmas is rapidly approaching, this check-in is all about the upcoming 25th Anniversary banquet!  Here is what you need to know:

Where and When is the banquet again?

Friday, January 19th at Dutch-Way Farm Market, located in the beautiful resort town of Christiana, PA.  Dinner starts at 6pm.  Plan to arrive a bit earlier than that.

Why have it at Dutch-Way?

Having the banquet off-site gives us much more room and means that folks from the church (particularly the kitchen committee) can enjoy the banquet without having to prepare the food, serve it, and then clean up afterwards.

What’s on the menu?

The meal will be served buffet-style and includes roast beef, ham balls, side dishes and a variety of desserts.

Will there be any special dignitaries attending?

Yes!  We’ve invited all of the former pastors of ABCF, and many of them are able to join us!

Sounds great!  What is the cost and how do I reserve my seats?

Cost for the meal is $25/adult and $15 for kids 12 and under.  See Mary Lois Kreider starting on 12/31 to reserve your seat and pay for your meal.  We can accept reservations through 1/14/24.  After that date we need to give a head count to Dutch-Way.

Cash is preferred, but checks can be made out to Andrews Bridge.  Please DO NOT put reservation money in the offering box.  Give it directly to Mary Lois, as the money is not tax-deductible.

What will we be doing?

After our fellowship around the tables we’ll have a brief program celebrating 25 years of ministry.  A few folks have agreed to share some memories and we’ll recognize all of the former pastors and elders (and their wives).  For those of you who will be finding babysitting for the night, the evening will conclude by 8 pm.

Is there anything we should bring?

YES!  If you have old photos or other memorabilia, please see me!  We’d love to set up a table or two to put some things on for people to enjoy throughout the night.


We are looking forward to a great night of celebrating all that God has done through the people of Andrews Bridge.


Here’s what’s happening:

  1. The annual Christmas Caroling is tomorrow night!  We are meeting at the Kreider home at 6:15 pm.
  2. The children of the Bridge will be performing a short Christmas pageant during the morning service on 12/24.
  3. Christmas Eve Candlelight service is set for 7 pm.
  4. We will not be having Sunday School on 12/24 or 12/31 to give our teachers a holiday break.
  5. Don’t forget our Advent giving project to support Solanco Neighborhood Ministries SWEEP program.  This is the last Sunday to bring in items:

Chicken Noodle Soup                                     Tomato Soup                                      Pudding Cups

Applesauce Cups                                            Fruit Cups                                           Juice Boxes

Chef Boyardee Micro Meals                           Pasta Sides (Mac & Cheese)               Ramen Noodles

Cup of Noodles                                               Oatmeal Individual Packs                   Pop Tarts

Granola Bars                                                   Fruit Snacks

Peanut Butter Cracker Individual Packs

  1. 1/7/24 is Vision Sunday.  During the morning worship service I will be sharing a message about where I believe that God is leading us over the next number of years.  Please plan to attend!


This Sunday our journey through the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah brings us to Malachi 3:1 and God’s promise to send a messenger who will point the way to the Messiah.  Who is this messenger, what was his message, and what is the connection to Christmas?  We’ll be looking at how the New Testament shows us exactly how this prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus.