New Year Updates

Good morning,

If you weren’t able to worship with us on Sunday, I would encourage you to check out the sermon video here:  It’s also on the church website.  I’ve enclosed the vision docs that we handed out at the end of the service.  If you would like a bag of six arrows and you didn’t get one on Sunday, please see me.

This week I have a couple of updates for you.


After much discussion, the elders have decided that it is time to bring back the passing of the offering baskets during the morning worship service.  Our first morning with the offering will be next Sunday, 1/21.  Here are some Q&A’s regarding this decision:

How many churches still “pass the plate?”

When I was growing up at Memorial Church in Quarryville, the passing of the offering plate was a major component to the worship service.  Gradually churches began to move away from passing the plate in favor of offering boxes in the lobby and online giving.  Thom Rainer of Church Answers found that since Covid seven out of ten churches in the U.S. do not pass the plate.

So why don’t they do it? 

I suppose there are many reasons, but the primary one is likely that there is research that suggests that new attendees (especially young adults) aren’t comfortable with it and see the passing of plate as a “turn off” when considering whether or not to attend the church.  They are used to giving through apps like Venmo.  There is also research that suggests that (particularly for large churches) encouraging online giving increases overall giving to the church.

So why are we bringing it back?

For some Christians, the act of physically putting a gift into the offering plate/basket is a very meaningful act of worship, similar to signing songs, praying during the service and listening to the sermon.  As I mentioned on Sunday, at the Bridge we will continue to strive to blend meaningful worship practices of the past with new ways to express our worship to God.

What will this look like?

The offering box will remain in the lobby, and if you prefer to use that by all means do so.  We will pass the offering baskets during the 1st song after our welcome/announcements time, remaining seated for that song and then standing for the 2nd and 3rd songs.  If you would be willing to serve as an usher for the offering, please see myself or Gerald Rohrer.  It is important to note that we will evaluate this after a few months (as we do all with all our worship practices and ministries) and may make changes.

Youth Pastor/Leader

I will soon be posting a job description for a part-time youth pastor/leader position here at the Bridge.  We’ll be sharing it on a number of seminary job boards and on a couple of job websites as well.  We envision this position being quarter-time (10 hours per week max) to start and hopefully we will grow it from there.  Of course, personal connections are often the best way to connect a church with a ministry candidate (that’s the reason why I am here!).  I’ve enclosed the job description for you to share if you know someone who might be interested.  We hope to have someone in place for the new school year in the fall.

Coming off the heels of Vision Sunday, I know that this has been a lot to take in.  My hope, as always, is to keep you as informed as possible about what is going on at the Bridge.


Here’s what’s happening:


  1. We will be holding a vote of affirmation for the 2024 church budget after the worship service on Sunday.
  2. Senior High Youth Group meets after the worship service on Sunday. Pick up is at 1 pm.
  3. The Junior Youth are having a pizza party and movie night at the church this Sunday night, starting at 4pm. Senior High youth are invited to come back and join in the fun.
  4. This Sunday is the last Sunday to reserve a seat at our 25th Anniversary Banquet that is this coming Friday at 6 pm. Please see Mary Lois Kreider to reserve your seat.  Cash appreciated, checks can be made out to Andrews Bridge Christian Fellowship.  Please do not put the money in the offering box.  $25/adults and $15/kids 12 and under.
  5. We would like to set up a memorabilia table (or two) for the Banquet.  See Pastor Scott if you have old photos or other items of ABCF history that you would like to bring to the banquet.  We are still in need of items/pictures.
  6. Men’s Breakfast is on Saturday, January 27 at Hometown Kitchen at 8 am.


This Sunday we are starting a new sermon series! Everyone loves a good story, especially one that has a surprise or twist in the end.  During the winter months we will be gathering each week to hear a parable from the master storyteller and learning what truth that God wants us to learn from the parables of Christ.  At the end of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus tells a parable about a wise and a foolish builder. What did Jesus mean when He told this parable and how does it apply to us today?  We’ll look to answer those questions on Sunday.