Year in Review

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13 (ESV)

It is time for my annual “what just happened?” letter.  2023 was certainly a roller coaster of a year in many ways.  And yet, as I sit down to write this email, I am thankful for the many blessings that God bestowed upon me personally and upon Andrews Bridge over the past 12 months.  As I reflect on the year here are some highlights:

Local and Global Outreach – 2023 once again provided many opportunities for the Bridge to impact the lives of others.  In addition to our collections for Oxford Neighborhood Services during Lent (remember all that pasta?) and Solanco Neighborhood Ministries for Advent, we also supported the relief efforts for those affected by the fire in Oxford.  We also connected with a number of the ministries that we partner with during our worship services.  We heard updates from New Hope Ministries and The Lighthouse Youth Center regarding their local ministries and how our financial support is helping them serve the community.  We were also joined by J.C. Ebersole (AABS), Kendall Keeler (ServeNow), and Bob Rush (Gideons), who gave updates as to how God is using our international missions’ partners to spread the Good News.

Facility Improvements – We continued to make significant investments into our church property in 2023.  We purchased a new (and larger shed) enclosed the heating oil tank, put a new roof on the schoolhouse, upgraded the ceiling fans in the sanctuary, purchased a new sign by the road, gave the lobby a “refresh” and just this past week installed a new tech booth.  There were many other smaller projects as well.  Thank you to everyone who has helped maintain and improve our church building and property!

New Faces and New Believers – In June we received 9 new members at ABCF and in July we held two different baptism services with 5 folks from our church family sharing their testimony and being baptized.  What exciting mornings to be at the Bridge!

Worship – We had about 82 people each Sunday during the year.  Worship at the Bridge continues to be a highlight of my week.  Thank you to all of our talented worship team members and to the “tech” guys who run things from the back.

It is always an honor and privilege to share the morning message with you and I remain baffled that folks are willing to listen to me.  In the first half of the year we journeyed through the Gospel of Mark and Paul’s letter to the Colossians.  Over the summer we tackled the spiritual disciplines and in the fall we went on a wild ride through the book of Nehemiah.  Who will ever forget the “Nehemiah Song?”  We ended the year looking at Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah.   In 2024 I hope to preach on some of Jesus’ parables, the life of David and the book of Philippians as part of our weekly teaching time.

Youth and Children Ministries – We said “goodbye” to our youth intern Devon Clemmer in May.  Devon did a great job with our Senior High youth.  The Junior Youth rolled along, with many fun activities and service projects.  The “thundering herd” continued to head downstairs for Junior Worship each week, and we started to once again offer an infant nursery ministry during the morning message.  Thank you to everyone who invested in the lives of the next generation of “Bridgers” in 2023.

As I look ahead to the coming year, I am filled with hope that God is going to continue to work in amazing ways through the ministries of Andrews Bridge. Please continue to lift to the leadership team of the church in prayer.

Here’s what’s happening:

  1. Budget documents for 2024 are in the lobby.  There are two docs – one compares 2024 with 2023 and includes some notes.  The other is a budget history for the past several years.  We will be holding a vote of affirmation for the budget on 1/14/24 after the worship service.  Please see an elder or myself prior to the vote if you have any questions.
  2. Sunday School returns this week.*
  3. Reservations for the 25thAnniversary banquet are being received through 1/14.  Please see Mary Lois Kreider to reserve your seat.  Cash appreciated, checks can be made out to Andrews Bridge Christian Fellowship.  Please do not put the money in the offering box.  $25/adults and $15/kids 12 and under.
  4. We would like to set up a memorabilia table (or two) for the Banquet.  See Pastor Scott if you have old photos or other items of ABCF history that you would like to bring to the banquet.  As I write this I have received just a few items, so please look around for what you may have to contribute.
  5. We will be installing Bruce Fite as Elder this Sunday.*
  6. This Sunday is also Vision Sunday.*  During the morning worship service I will be sharing a message about where I believe that God is leading us over the next number of years.  Please plan to attend!
  7. Junior Youth meet after the worship service this week.*  Senior High Youth meet after the service on 1/14.

This Sunday we will be looking at an interesting passage from the Old Testament, 2 Kings 13:10-19.  It involves a wicked king, a mighty prophet, a bunch of arrows, and a whole lot of truths about trusting in God!  We’ll look at those truths and see how they serve as a foundation for where God is leading us in the coming years.


Looking forward to worship,





*It has already been a wild week of forecasts for Saturday night into Sunday morning.  I’ve seen maps showing us getting anywhere from 10 inches of snow (or more!) to mainly rain.  The trend today is for the southern end to get mostly rain, but as we all know “it all depends on how the storm tracks.”  If we do indeed get wintry weather, we will make a decision on the morning services by 7:45 Sunday morning.  No matter what happens, I will send out an email at that time to let you know what is going on, so please look for that.  My favorite part of winter is when it ends!