Persistent Prayer

Good morning,

This past Sunday this focus of the message was persistent prayer.  I briefly listed a number of the benefits of practicing persistent prayer, which included both what we gain (perspective, strength, joy and peace) and what we lose (our ego, our anger, our anxiety, and our fear).  Over the coming weeks we are going to have an opportunity to participate in persistent prayer together in a variety of ways as we anticipate Easter Sunday at the end of March.  Here is what we have coming up:

Lenten Prayer Meetings

Wednesday Evenings at ABCF on February 21 & 28 and on March 13 & 20 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm

We will be gathering at the church for a time of sharing and prayer.  Each night will have a different focus that is connected to our church, our community and where God is leading us, but we’ll be praying for what is on our hearts as well.  Here is the tentative schedule:

2/21 – Praying for the lost in our community.

2/28 – Praying for our missions and ministry partners.

3/13 – Praying for the next generation.

3/20 – Praying for our church.

These gatherings are open to anyone!  More information about them is coming soon.


Ladies Prayer Meeting

Saturday March 2nd starting at 10 am at Bruce and Devon Fite’s Home

Devon Fite will be hosting a time of prayer for the ladies of ABCF at the Fite home, leading the group through a number of different prayer stations.  The morning will end with a light lunch and a time of fellowship.  Please see Devon if you are interested in joining this prayer ministry!


Holy Week Prayer Vigil

Starting at 7 pm on Thursday, 3/28 and ending at 7 pm on Friday, 3/29 (Good Friday)

We will once again be having 24 hours of prayer leading up to the Good Friday Service.  You will be invited to sign up for a 30 minute prayer slot, with the goal being that someone connected to ABCF is praying somewhere throughout the 24 hour period.  A prayer guide will be provided but remember that part of prayer is listening to God!  Sign up sheets will be in the lobby starting on 3/10.

Please consider participating in one (or more!) of these opportunities to be united together through prayer.


Here’s what’s happening:

  1. If you have pictures from the banquet that you would be willing to share, please send them to me!
  2. Senior High Youth meet after the worship service this week.
  3. Cornerstone Reproductive Health (formerly Cornerstone Pregnancy Services) is in need of diapers, especially sizes 4 and 6.  If you would like to help meet this need, you can drop them off at 5380 Lincoln Hwy, Gap OR bring them to church on Sunday and I will make sure they get there.
  4. Don’t forget that we are hoping to hire a youth leader/pastor this year. This will essentially be a quarter-time position, with most of the hours on Sunday.  If you know of someone who might be interested you can send them to the church website or here.
  5. Looking ahead – We will be observing Holy Communion on 3/10.
  6. If you are able, please consider signing up to help Nancy Ranck as she recovers from her surgery.  To access Nancy Ranck’s CareCalendar page, visit and enter the following information in the appropriate spaces:

Calendar ID  :  312666

Security code :  5047

As before, sign up for a day and on that day please call Nancy to see what her most pressing need is for that day.


This Sunday we will be looking at one of the more graphic parables of Jesus, the Parable of the Wicked Tenants, found in Matthew 21.  Jesus often told parables to confuse His enemies, but there is no confusion with this one…it’s a direct condemnation of the ruling elite of Jerusalem!  We’ll look at what the implications of this parable are for us today as we consider our partnering with God to build His kingdom.

