The Extra Mile

Good morning,

It has been quite the week for mid-February.  Sunday was the Super Bowl, Tuesday was Fasnacht Day and a snowstorm, and of course yesterday was Ash Wednesday and the day for love (of course I’m talking about Phillies Spring Training starting).  Speaking of love….

We’ve likely all heard the phrase “go the extra mile” at some point in our lives.  It’s said as an exhortation to go beyond what is expected of us and as a compliment of someone who gives an extra effort.  There are few better things that can be said of someone than “They are always willing to go the extra mile.”

What many people don’t know is that the concept of the “extra mile” came directly from Jesus.  Tucked into the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus states in Matthew 5:41 that “If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.”  I imagine that many business leaders and motivational speakers don’t realize that they are quoting scripture when they talk about the “extra mile,” nor do they understand what Jesus was talking about!

When Jesus made this statement, the Roman army had a demeaning practice of making Jewish men and boys carry their equipment whenever possible.  However, since they were a “civilized” army, they would only require the task to last one mile.  It soon became a common practice for the Jews to pound a stake into the ground exactly one mile down the road from their home.  As soon as they reached the stake, they could drop the soldier’s gear, as nothing more was required of them.  Jesus was radically suggesting that they go twice as far, as a way of service to God and a way to love their enemies!

I wonder what would happen if we were more willing to go “the extra mile” in our families.  Many of us are so busy that we measure out what exactly has to get done on a given day or week and are satisfied if we accomplish it.  We go about our tasks begrudgingly, sometimes wishing that our spouse or kids could/would help out just a little bit more.  This is the “first mile.”  The first mile is the stuff that we have to do – pay the bills, take out the trash, clean the house, etc…  The first mile keeps the household running.

This is good!  In fact, the unfortunate reality is that many families struggle with the first mile.  But I believe that God wants us to continually be going the “extra mile” in our marriages and our homes.   This means viewing our responsibilities as opportunities, opportunities to serve our loved ones and show them how much they mean to us.

Going the extra mile means shifting our attitude from “have to” to “want to”.  I encourage you to sit down with your spouse and/or your kids this week and talk about how each of you can go the extra mile in your homes, then put that into practice.  I think you will be amazed at the results!

Here’s what’s happening (a lot):

  1. Lenten Prayer Meeting this coming Wednesday (2/21) at 6:30 pm at the church. We’ll have a brief time of sharing and reading of the Word and then going before the Lord in prayer.   Future prayer meetings are on 2/28, 3/13, & 3/20.
  2. Men’s Breakfast on 2/24 at Hometown Kitchen at 8 am.
  3. Ladies Prayer Meeting at the Fite home on Saturday, 10/2 starting at 10 am. Please see Devon if you are planning to attend.
  4. We are in need of some greeters. Serving involves being at the church at 9:45 am and welcoming people as they come into the church.  Sign up sheet is in the lobby.
  5. Solanco Meat Canning is on March 5 from 3 pm to 7 pm at Lapp’s Butcher Shop. Come help when you are able and for as long as you able.  Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in the lobby.
  6. We will be observing Holy Communion on 3/10.
  7. Save the Date – Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner on 4/28
  8. There will be a Celebration of Life Service for Sam Ganow in the Octorara High School auditorium this Sunday at 2 pm. Sam was the school board president who passed away in a plane crash a few weeks ago.  Attendance is expected to be very high.  Let’s pray that God uses this service to bring people to Jesus.


The parable of The Rich Man and Lazarus found in Luke 16 is graphic and (for some) disturbing. It deals with a reality that most of us don’t like to think about, but it is a reality that every one of us must deal with. Join us on Sunday at 10 am as we learn the truths that Jesus teaches about life on this side of eternity and life on the other side.


See you on Sunday,

