Elder Search Process

Good morning!

Two items for this week’s Check In:

Elder Nomination Process

On Sunday you will find an elder nomination form inserted into your bulletin.  If you would like to submit a nomination, please fill it out, sign it and either hand it to me or put it in my mailbox.  All nominations are confidential. Nominations will be received starting on Sunday and will be received through Sunday 10/1.

After 10/1 the elders will review the nominations.  Men with 3 or more nominations will be considered for the elder term beginning 1/1/24 and concluding on 12/31/26.  All candidates will be carefully considered and then the elders will begin reaching out to the candidate that we believe God is leading us to in order to gauge their interest.

Once a candidate has agreed to serve we will call for a vote of affirmation from the congregation.  A candidate needs to be affirmed on at least 75% of the eligible ballots to be installed as an elder.  As I mentioned during the sermon on Sunday, please be in prayer now for this vital process in the life of the church.  If you were not able to be with us on Sunday, I would encourage you to watch the service on the church Youtube page or on our website (www.andrewsbridge.com).

Fall Sermon Series – Arise and Build

Over the summer I did what is known as a “topical” sermon series.  That’s when the focus of the sermon isn’t on a passage of Scripture but on a topic.  Often when a pastor gives a topical sermon he uses a number of different passages or verses from the Bible that speak to different aspects of the topic.  That is certainly what happened with our series on the spiritual disciplines and again with the message on eldership this past Sunday.

Although I will continue to do topical sermons and sermon series from time to time, I much prefer preparing and preaching expository sermons and sermon series.  That’s when you systematically preach through a book of the Bible or a large portion of a book of the Bible (the story of Moses, for example).  Most of the books of the Bible were intended by their authors to be read and studied from beginning to end.

Both types of sermon series have their weaknesses and strengths.  Preaching topical sermons tempts the pastor to avoid unpleasant and uncomfortable topics but can also address a real need in the congregation.  Pastors can get bogged down in the background information and original languages of an expository sermon, but oftentimes its those expository details that help bring a passage to life for the congregation.

With that being said, I am really excited to preach through the book of Nehemiah this fall.  As the book begins things are not going well for God’s people.  The city of Jerusalem remains in ruins, and the people living there live in constant fear of the other people groups that surround them.  Then Nehemiah is called by God to go to Jerusalem and lead the people living there in rebuilding and restoring the city.  It is a massive task, but there is a reason why God chose Nehemiah…he is the perfect man for the job.

There are few things in life more challenging and scarier than having your worst fears realized and facing the beginnings of a rebuild.

Like rebuilding a life after the devastating loss of a loved one.

Like rebuilding a career after an unexpected job loss.

Like rebuilding a home after a fire or flood.

Like rebuilding one’s finances after a devastating financial loss.

Having to start all over in life can be terrifying, disorienting, and confusing, there is no doubt about it.  BUT…if we trust Jesus…even though it is difficult, facing a rebuild can also be a moment of clarity and conviction AND a catalyst for discovering God’s calling in our life.

Perhaps you find yourself (or have a loved one) in a season where you are facing a rebuild.  I would encourage you to come and be a part of this sermon series.  There is so much that we can learn from the life of Nehemiah.  As I mentioned, I am really looking forward to journeying through this remarkable book together over these next few months.

Here’s what’s happening:

  1. Thank you to everyone who brought food and helped with the church corn roast on Sunday. Special thanks to Lloyd and Mary Lois for hosting AND huge praise to God for clearing the skies!
  2. The Senior High Youth are mini-golfing at Village Greens this Saturday. Meet at the church at 6 pm and pick up is at 9 pm.
  3. Our annual Drive-In Movie night sponsored by the Junior Youth group will be on Saturday 9/23 starting at 7 pm. Film is “Tommy and the Cool Mule.”
  4. Men’s breakfast is 9/30 at 8am at Hometown Kitchen.
  5. Dolly Thomas’ new address – 9357 Palm Island Circle N. Fort Myers, FL 33903

This week we begin our study of Nehemiah by looking at Nehemiah’s response to hearing the news that Jerusalem is in trouble.  It is through his response that he discovers God’s purpose for his life.  So many people (young and old) in the world today struggle with finding their purpose in life and what it is that God has for them to do.  If you know someone in that situation, this would be a great week to invite them to join you at the Bridge.